Yellow-footed Gull

Family: Gulls (Laridae)
Genus & Species : Larus Livens
Status: Common post-breeding visitor during July, August, and September to the Imperial Valley in Imperial County, California. Uncommon to rare as the seasons progress to fall and winter. With its heavy yellow bill, yellow legs, and dark mantle, this large gull stands out well. However, if there are no other birds to compare it to, California Gull (common) and Lesser Black-backed Gull (rare) are sometimes missidentified as this bird.
Habitat: Close by the Salton Sea--rarely far away from the Sea itself, where it feeds on fish
Seen recently at: Obsidian Butte during the 2012 CBC
Best Chances: Salton Sea levee, Poe Road, and Obsidian Butte


Yellow-footed Gull, Salton Sea

Yellow-footed Gull, Salton Sea

Yellow-footed Gull, Salton Sea
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Yellow-footed Gull

Yellow-footed Gull, Salton Sea

Yellow-footed Gull, Salton Sea
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